
  • Release date : 04.12.2019
  • Developer by : Plexpeer
  • Categories : Movies & TV
  • Languages : English
  • Countries : United States, Canada, United Kingdom
  • Roku Ranking : 3.0( 2 ranking)

Remember One thousand and one nights- the legend of Scheherazade and Shahriyar, tracing back from our childhood?
Scheherazade, a lady of remarkable intelligence, even in times immemorial chose the modern concept of a cliffhanger as a way to save her life. Due to the fact that she cut off every fairy tale in the most interesting moment, the king, who hankered to find out how it all ended, delayed his young wife killing till the next morning. Then, he postponed the execution till another day, and then, and then ... Until he realized that he fell in love with Scheherazade. They lived happily ever after!
This is an action interrupted at a tense or pivotal point with the clear intention of developing it in the next part of the creative production.
Browsing the AdventuRama channel, you’ll find one decent and extremely exciting cliffhanger. Turn on the “Phantom” and plan an expedition with Professor Davidson to find the long-lost city of Zoloz. This city is hidden from everybody’s view! You have to find 7 parts of the map, carved on the elephant’s ivory. Dr. Bremmer kills the Phantom, who can help Davidson - respectively, the task is overcomplicated.
After finding all seven parts of the map and traveling for the last to the Tatar Khan, we invite you on an equally exciting journey along with the “Lone Ranger”. Here you will plunge into the authentic western: a gang of deserters is going to war Texas down and rule there. Join a group of Texans opposing Smith's rule!
Wow! Unbelievable

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  • Developer User Id:d3649e0e-0ba4-11ea-8cf9-0242ac11000c
  • Channel Id:8d4d679f4a488d0ec05e6086e4dab230
  • Store Id:573335
  • Created Date:2019-12-03 11:42:11
  • Access Code:RKGQHMZ
  • Channel Version Type:SDK



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