AFV Kids - Free & Safe Funny Videos

  • Release date : 13.08.2015
  • Developer by : Future Today Inc.
  • Categories : Comedy
  • Languages : English, German
  • Countries : United States, Canada, United Kingdom
  • Roku Ranking : 3.6( 197 ranking)

AFV Kids features funny kid-friendly home videos from America’s Funniest Home Videos available free for any time! Our app features hilarious home video and viral video moments that you’ll want to watch over and over again.
AFV Kids features all of the videos you love from AFV - including funny kids, family pranks, funny pet videos, and silly babies that you won’t want to miss.
Home video compilations
Comedy shows fun for the whole family
Viral videos

AFV Kids - Free & Safe Funny Videos
  • Developer Privacy Url: Privacy Policy
  • Developer User Id:20B99F1E-6A70-45AA-8800-9F5700A798E0
  • Channel Id:51274ccd641e89dc3e2797c4b4429599
  • Store Id:62702
  • Created Date:2015-05-29 16:18:05
  • Access Code:afvkids
  • Channel Version Type:SDK



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