Alkalema TV

  • Release date : 05.02.2015
  • Developer by :
  • Categories : Religious
  • Languages : English
  • Countries : United States, Canada, United Kingdom
  • Roku Ranking : 1.0( 1 ranking)

Al Kalema TV is an Arabic Christian Television Network. Al Kalema TV is an Arabic Name which means “The Word TV”. To bring the Church on Air, and establish a Network of Satellite Churches all over the world. Using the power of media, the power of the local Church, the power of the Word, and the power of the prayer to plant satellite churches in every place that the sole of our feet tread upon. The vision of ATN comes from many years of Rev. Dr. Nabil Asaad, his wife Dr. Mervat Asaad and his team experience in ministering to the Arab people. They have been reaching these people for over 30 years and had found that this is not an easy task but with God nothing is impossible. The Vision of ATN is to cover the nations of the earth through teaching ministries, evangelism, live worship which brings people to the knowledge of Christ and a deeper relationship with God. To give a platform for other Christian ministries to use their God given gifts on the airwaves in the Arabic speaking nations of the world To bring the body of Christ in the Arab nations into unity of purpose to advance the kingdom of God in their communities. As the physical army invades the nations with air force and it opens room for thee ground forces we believe Alkalema tv will act as a fore runner. Alkalema TV works as an air force to invade and weaken the spiritual strongholds which bind the Arabic speaking peoples before the ground forces of evangelists and mission workers move in to bring the harvest.

Alkalema TV
  • Developer Privacy Url: Privacy Policy
  • Developer User Id:BA5ECAF2-F202-48F0-9136-A70500960CA1
  • Channel Id:fa5d13e2688010ffeca15e0e79af941e
  • Store Id:51085
  • Created Date:2014-11-18 11:06:07
  • Access Code:AlkalemaTV
  • Channel Version Type:SDK



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