Brain Health 101

  • Release date : 17.11.2022
  • Developer by : TvAllsuperInfo
  • Categories : Educational
  • Languages : English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, German
  • Countries : United States, Canada, United Kingdom, France, Mexico, Colombia, Argentina, Peru, Chile, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Brazil
  • Roku Ranking : 3.3( 8 ranking)

Here's How To Boost Your Brain Power and Protect Your Brain Health.
Avoid Brain Fog and Forgetfulness Today!
Today, you'll learn how to protect your brain from diseases like amnesia and have laser focus.

Do you want to sharpen your focus and increase your memory?
Do you wish to increase your learning speed and your ability to solve problems?
Or do you want to avoid the cognitive decline that comes with age?

You see, most people have brain fog and are often unable to concentrate on their tasks at work.
They also often find that they need to be more mindful of common facts or misplace their items.

On this channel, you can learn.
- The surprising difference between emotions and feelings.
- Why you need to maximize your brainpower in the 21st century.
- 8 fun facts about the human brain.
- The little-known connection between what you eat and your brain health.
- How to avoid oxidative stress that damages your brain cells.
- Why people who eat traditional diets are less likely to suffer from depression, plus how to protect your mental health.
- The link between exercise and brain health.
- How to train your brain and boost its functioning.
- The quickest, most straightforward way to increase your IQ.
- Plus, many more powerful practices and techniques!

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If you think your content might be a good fit for our channel, don't hesitate to contact our Live Support ( and tell us about it.

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Brain Health 101
  • Developer Privacy Url: Privacy Policy
  • Developer User Id:aa34b21c-b91a-4c00-9bb4-44f208d4054c
  • Channel Id:4cdb7b6c46f1cdbf79beb597e4578ec0
  • Store Id:686536
  • Created Date:2022-11-15 14:35:39
  • Access Code:9KRX6HX
  • Channel Version Type:SDK



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