• Release date : 19.03.2019
  • Developer by : Mars Media
  • Categories : Lifestyle
  • Languages : English
  • Countries : United States, Canada, United Kingdom
  • Roku Ranking : 4.0( 2 ranking)

Our brainwave profile and our daily experience of the world are inseparable. When our brainwaves are out of balance, there will be corresponding problems in our emotional or neuro-physical health. Research has identified brainwave patterns associated with all sorts of emotional and neurological conditions. more...

Over-arousal in certain brain areas is linked with anxiety disorders, sleep problems, nightmares, hyper-vigilance, impulsive behaviour, anger/aggression, agitated depression, chronic nerve pain and spasticity. Under-arousal in certain brain areas leads to some types of depression, attention deficit, chronic pain and insomnia. A combination of under-arousal and over-arousal is seen in cases of anxiety, depression and ADHD. more.

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  • Developer User Id:6233B2D2-DB2F-4E0A-BA2F-4BAD7E520C0D
  • Channel Id:63a353c5365b494c74b0fc05edf962c4
  • Store Id:278955
  • Created Date:2019-03-19 16:41:51
  • Access Code:BRAINWAVES
  • Channel Version Type:RDP



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