Chop Sugar

  • Release date : 15.08.2023
  • Developer by : Miniflyx
  • Categories : Movies & TV
  • Languages : English
  • Countries : United States
  • Roku Ranking : 1.0( 1 ranking)

Meet The Baker
I began baking at the tender age of six years old. My grandmother, Eula Beatrice Ingram taught me how to make everything from cinnamon rolls and tea cakes to humming bird cakes and pound cakes. I am forever grateful for her taking the time and being patient enough to teach me what would later become my own baking business.

The name “Chop Sugar “ is actually a nickname my father gave me when I was about three or four years old. One Thanksgiving, everyone was in the kitchen with their cutting boards prepping vegetables for dinner. I went around the room asking each person what they were chopping. Then everyone turned to me and asked “Ashley, what are you chopping?” I replied “I'm chopping sugar!” I had a plastic knife and a sugar packet doing my part. From then to now, every day of my life my father has called me Chop Sugar. What a great name for a bakery!

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Chop Sugar
  • Developer Privacy Url: Privacy Policy
  • Developer User Id:e8544249-c19b-4c0a-bc5a-2d3eaacb622c
  • Channel Id:e297c071cc7e4d196f21daff417d0139
  • Store Id:732932
  • Created Date:2023-08-11 19:46:26
  • Access Code:PVZDP6C
  • Channel Version Type:SDK



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