
  • Release date : 07.06.2021
  • Developer by : Fundozer
  • Categories : Sci & Tech
  • Languages : English, Spanish, Portuguese
  • Countries : United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Mexico, Argentina, Brazil
  • Roku Ranking : 0.0( 0 ranking)

Science is enjoyable because Curiology is here for you. This app highlights all the best recent scientific discoveries and red-hot inventions from around the globe. No more tedious searches all across the Internet. What is - questions, Cosmos mysteries, interviews with the brightest scientific minds, artificial intelligence, and many more – Curiology has gathered it all for you.

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  • Developer Privacy Url: Privacy Policy
  • Developer User Id:61c299d4-b4ac-11eb-b275-0242ac110007
  • Channel Id:97a729dff042c3ab60016278533f5e6e
  • Store Id:632503
  • Created Date:2021-06-02 08:19:49
  • Access Code:NXT2PK2
  • Channel Version Type:SDK



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