Darwin & Newts

  • Release date : 13.04.2020
  • Developer by : Glewed TV
  • Categories : Kids & Family
  • Languages : English
  • Countries : United States, Canada, United Kingdom
  • Roku Ranking : 1.0( 1 ranking)

Darwin & Newts are two siblings who go on fantastic escapades, discovering and experimenting with early science and engineering principles, all the while exploring the natural wonders of the outside world.Joining the pair of adventurers is Wapati, a big wise deer; their neighbour Heni and her cheeky pet parrot Kea; and every now and then a grumpy frog called Burpee and his adorable friend Croakette!

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Darwin & Newts
  • Developer Privacy Url: Privacy Policy
  • Developer User Id:D7B90D89-F534-48DA-ADFC-A83A0109C180
  • Channel Id:2cdf3a056ff2c81ac19b86526c8e5631
  • Store Id:584605
  • Created Date:2020-04-13 02:41:26
  • Access Code:5TMGKK2
  • Channel Version Type:SDK



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