Detectives vs. Criminals

  • Release date : 22.01.2019
  • Developer by : megadilla
  • Categories : Movies & TV
  • Languages : English
  • Countries : United States, Canada, United Kingdom
  • Roku Ranking : 4.0( 2 ranking)

Detective is an intriguing genre, the realization of which is equally catchy both in writing and in animation. As a teen, you were probably fascinated with the deeds of the greatest detectives of the epoch, avidly devouring the best examples of the genre. Now, you are granted the privilege of reviving all your childhood memories by simply watching a true detective story!
Welcome to Detectives vs. Criminals, a free web spot housing an impressive collection of 20 detective stories of all times! Here, you will be blown away by the legendary movies like The Big Crime, The Big Trunk, The Big Oscar, The Big Frame, The Big Shoplift, The Big Seventeen, etc. By joining our zero-cost movie channel, you get immediate and continuous access to a full list of detective video stories from anywhere you are!
Sounds tempting, right? Then let the whirl of crime and mystery take you away and fight the criminals alongside the most brilliant investigators. A single round of detective stories will make you do the thinking and, who knows, maybe you’ll guess out the murderer before the virtual cops. Discover it right away by joining Detectives vs. Criminals!

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Detectives vs. Criminals
  • Developer Privacy Url: Privacy Policy
  • Developer User Id:A4A351A1-8BBE-4BD1-BFB7-006AB619DA9C
  • Channel Id:631abee37d41cf929e76501169587930
  • Store Id:271655
  • Created Date:2019-01-17 08:02:47
  • Access Code:9N2HCQV
  • Channel Version Type:SDK



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