Drama Tonight

  • Release date : 07.02.2015
  • Developer by : Timeless Network
  • Categories : Movies & TV
  • Languages : English
  • Countries : United States, Canada, United Kingdom
  • Roku Ranking : 3.1( 37 ranking)

We all need a little drama in our lives. While there is a time and place for a good comedy belly laugh, an edge-of-your-seat thriller, a terrifying horror movie or a whimsical musical, there is something to be said about a powerful, emotional drama that refuses to leave you long after the movie has ended.

The best drama movies are never just one thing, some mix comedy with heartbreak, romance with adversity, or action with humanity. They can help you escape or open your eyes to truths you've never experienced. The best ones do both. Such movies could also be therapeutic by showing how characters cope with their problems, challenges, or issues, and to some extent, we can identify with the characters as we enter their world.

Dramas frequently follow characters you'd see as your friends, neighbours, and family dealing with the struggles of everyday life. They usually take place in a home, office setting, or with a group of characters forced to interact day to day. While we’d all like to think we could punch a meteor into space or survive the night against a holiday-themed slasher, we’re never going to experience that kind of thing in our real lives. But, we will fall in love and go through challenges that force us to dig deep and find the fortitude inside to carry on.

Had issues watching a movie? Write us at [email protected] and we'll do our best to help. Pinky promise.

Drama Tonight
  • Developer Privacy Url: Privacy Policy
  • Developer User Id:0e01e31a-d268-40af-b006-a2c000a86cf1
  • Channel Id:686eaa0b75e5306a76489e11f9ef747b
  • Store Id:51382
  • Created Date:2014-11-23 00:36:49
  • Access Code:mmmm
  • Channel Version Type:SDK



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