Eagle Brook is one church with multiple locations around Minnesota. The Eagle Brook Church app streams live services on Sundays at 9 and 11 am, as well as on-demand messages from previous weekends.
Developer User Id:4EF46309-346B-41F7-9FCE-9EAF00F25628
Channel Id:dc03e370d65336837a57f455898fde8a
Store Id:231333
Created Date:2018-04-18 20:24:08
Access Code:JNMXTGD
Channel Version Type:SDK
Anonymous2023-07-31 03:13:52
Eagle Brook is one church with multiple locations around Minnesota. The Eagle Brook Church app streams live services on Sundays at 9 and 11 am, as well as on-demand messages from previous weekends.
1Eagle Brook is one church with multiple locations around Minnesota. The Eagle Brook Church app streams live services on Sundays at 9 and 11 am, as well as on-demand messages from previous weekends.