Familia Vision HD

  • Release date : 29.03.2019
  • Developer by : Pedro Santiago
  • Categories : Religious
  • Languages : English, Spanish
  • Countries : United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Mexico, Colombia, Argentina, Peru, Chile, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Brazil
  • Roku Ranking : 4.0( 2 ranking)

In The Family of Faith we believe that God is a God of opportunities and always has a second chance for individuals and families. In our family, people are discovering that in Jesus there is a new path that leads to a new beginning in any area of their lives: spiritual, emotional, physical, financial and in their families. We firmly believe that dreams can become a reality and the potential of each individual can be achieved

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Familia Vision HD
  • Developer User Id:15621144-1F89-4D77-9B4C-A5F50138FCAB
  • Channel Id:a98a9dcd37c48ec7968a40063d45f309
  • Store Id:280877
  • Created Date:2019-03-28 14:31:54
  • Access Code:KLHZD5H
  • Channel Version Type:SDK



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