Free Premium Yoga VNYSA

  • Release date : 05.10.2020
  • Developer by : AMTV
  • Languages : English
  • Countries : United States
  • Roku Ranking : 4.2( 38 ranking)

Located in the heart of UBC Vancouver in Wesbrook Village, VNYSA is a premium yoga studio offering yoga to the people in the most unique, diverse, and approachable way. Our wide spectrum of classes including 50/50, Hip Hop, Power, Om Bass, Hustle & Flow, Chill, Flow (and more) are as unique as you are. Never repeated, never replicated. Modernized and authentic; our classes are filled with creativity, inspiration and love. Crafted for lovers of sweat and seekers of contemplation. Find your perfect flow with us at VNYSA. *Warning: May cause transformational experiences.

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Free Premium Yoga VNYSA
  • Developer Privacy Url: Privacy Policy
  • Developer User Id:b725bcd9-f1bc-11e9-859c-0242ac110003
  • Channel Id:137c282446c7f71e0672e7acbf89839d
  • Store Id:606548
  • Created Date:2020-09-30 18:01:38
  • Access Code:freeyoga
  • Channel Version Type:RDP
