
  • Release date : 27.04.2023
  • Developer by : TvStartup Inc.
  • Categories : Movies & TV
  • Languages : English, German
  • Countries : United States, Canada, United Kingdom
  • Roku Ranking : 0.0( 0 ranking)

GStar –TV is into show casing gatherings, celebrations of all types like Weddings, Anniversary,graduations, season’s celebrations, Professional Celebrations, acknowledgements, ReligiousCelebrations, Tourism, Cooking, different shows, movies, music etc. The Purpose is to bring laughter,togetherness and Joy back to the Lifes of people.

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  • Developer Privacy Url: Privacy Policy
  • Developer User Id:0f3b9d09-dcf3-11ea-b20a-0242ac11000b
  • Channel Id:2a0e20bdeda06a6bd1770cc4773f8b94
  • Store Id:711240
  • Created Date:2023-04-21 11:22:26
  • Access Code:LJK5JM2
  • Channel Version Type:SDK


  • Anonymous 2023-05-07 17:06:54

    Where is your favorite channel: PBS?

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