
  • Release date : 06.10.2020
  • Developer by : ClipMeUp
  • Categories : Kids & Family , Web Video
  • Languages : English
  • Countries : United States, Canada, United Kingdom
  • Roku Ranking : 4.5( 2 ranking)

Do you like to skim the news in the early morning while drinking coffee? There’s so much going on around. Whether you want to keep updated, take a quick glance at breaking news, watch in-depth video materials, the Youverse is a source that fits all your needs, and helps to keep you informed.
In just a few keystrokes on your gadget, you’ll open up an extensive library of award-winning content covering all the topics possible. You’ll get deep into political events, the knottiest nature and environment problems that the world facing with, wildlife grandeur, travels and discoveries, centuries-long historical events and prominent figures that impacted on the history flow. You are the lucky one who will witness scientific discoveries and investigate blood-creeping crimes. Tailoring the topics to your needs, you can get the news whenever and whatever way you want.

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  • Developer Privacy Url: Privacy Policy
  • Developer User Id:01c34932-0c6f-11ea-ad03-0242ac110009
  • Channel Id:b2eb504e5816b887daaf6d438cdb1879
  • Store Id:602251
  • Created Date:2020-08-20 06:17:41
  • Access Code:DQ9JJ52
  • Channel Version Type:SDK



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