Igniting a Nation

  • Release date : 08.06.2020
  • Developer by : Lightcast.com
  • Categories : Faith-Based
  • Languages : English
  • Countries : United States, Canada, United Kingdom
  • Roku Ranking : 3.0( 2 ranking)

Our program focuses on such topics as: Why Christians Should Care about Israel, Islam Exposed, Islam Around the World, Prophetic News & Views, Middle East Update, Israel in Focus, Asia, Africa & Europe Insights, American Foreign Policy Update, Terr Christian Persecution around the World, Connecting the Dots of Scripture, The Aftermath of the New White House, Stories of Faith & Hope, Human Trafficking, Racism in the Church, and Humor/Entertainment and any topic that impacts the Believer’s life. Our access to Subject Matter Experts from around the world, combined with the Host’s unique Biblical Point of View, bold interview style, and willingness to tackle challenging topics has created a unique experience for both the guest and the audience. Our roster of guest interviews include a wide range of Christian Non-Fiction authors from Amazon and New York Times Best Sellers to new voices reaching those who seek a deeper understanding of the Bible and their faith. Each program probes into the Authors own faith journey as well as a thorough Biblical examination of their subject matter. We get up close and personal like no other program and employ an interactive
setting that allows us to be Spirit led yielding transformational content taking the audience deeper into The Word. Our roster of Featured Guests provide multiple segments and represent the most diverse experts in their fields. These interviews combined with our teaching segments are both practical and transformation

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Igniting a Nation
  • Developer Privacy Url: Privacy Policy
  • Developer User Id:A93C005B-5B1D-49A1-9990-9EED00A5DCE8
  • Channel Id:79c1f021f46bc25a2aa42de3784b5757
  • Store Id:587846
  • Created Date:2020-05-12 14:37:21
  • Access Code:ignitinganation
  • Channel Version Type:SDK



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