Intercede International

  • Release date : 03.10.2014
  • Developer by :
  • Categories : Religious
  • Languages : English
  • Countries : United States, Canada, United Kingdom
  • Roku Ranking : 5.0( 1 ranking)

Intercede International seeks to establish, encourage and strengthen an indigenous, New Testament witness for our Lord Jesus Christ among all nations, by providing material and spiritual aid to Christians who are impoverished, few or persecuted; and also to encourage Christian witness and ministry to the international community in Canada. You can be a partner today with the exciting and strategic work being done by Intercede International in partnership with indigenous Christian Missions impacting over 60 nations with the Gospel by your intercessory prayers, participation and gifts for this ministry. Please inquire about our publications such as Mission Gateway magazine and Prayerline, featured on our Web site and in print. Intercede International is a national Canadian Christian Charity which has been involved for over 60 years in missions work in Canada and in over 60 nations worldwide. The Mission is authorized to issue charitable donation receipts for tax purposes at year end. Our Charitable Registration Number is: 130520802 RR0001 . Your Questions or Comments are Welcome! Please visit our Web site at for more information or call us at 1-800-871-0882 or send us an Email to [email protected] or write to us at: Intercede International 201 Stanton St. Fort Erie, Ontario L2A 3N8 Canada

Intercede International
  • Developer Privacy Url: Privacy Policy
  • Developer User Id:BA5ECAF2-F202-48F0-9136-A70500960CA1
  • Channel Id:f09f97b225b19a489bcfee4440f01dd5
  • Store Id:46990
  • Created Date:2014-08-25 11:41:31
  • Access Code:IntercedeInt
  • Channel Version Type:SDK



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