Ministerio Espiritu y Vida

  • Release date : 12.04.2021
  • Developer by : Pedro Santiago
  • Categories : Religious
  • Languages : English, Spanish
  • Countries : United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Mexico, Colombia, Argentina, Peru, Chile, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Brazil
  • Roku Ranking : 0.0( 0 ranking)

The Spirit and Life Ministry has as its main objective to reach the lives that are chained by the influences of sin and lead them to the path of truth and also to the brothers in our Christian faith to give encouragement to those who are fallen by the grace of God. I, the Evangelist José Ángel Carreras, together with my beloved wife Brendaliz Carreras, are here in obedience and fulfillment of this ministry that God has placed in our lives. Receive warm greetings and hugs from us, God Bless you.

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Ministerio Espiritu y Vida
  • Developer Privacy Url: Privacy Policy
  • Developer User Id:15621144-1F89-4D77-9B4C-A5F50138FCAB
  • Channel Id:a93b9053209ddaf50c5fedb1f2204d97
  • Store Id:628366
  • Created Date:2021-04-07 19:05:34
  • Access Code:2TR6K95
  • Channel Version Type:SDK



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