Ohav Shalom, Albany

  • Release date : 21.09.2020
  • Developer by : StreamSpot
  • Categories : Religious
  • Languages : English
  • Countries : United States, Canada, United Kingdom
  • Roku Ranking : 3.0( 1 ranking)

Ohav Shalom is a place we call home.

The Ohav Shalom culture is dynamic egalitarian Conservative Judaism, emphasizing member ownership of all aspects of our communal life. These values are the foundation of our keihilah as a house of prayer, house of learning and personal connection. Located in the capital of New York State, we are a cross section of the Jewish community – all ages, native Albanians and newcomers to our area, families with children of all ages, single parents and their families, singles and couples with diverse experiences and backgrounds, and anyone looking for a connection to to the Jewish community. We pray together, learn together, come together in joyous times and comfort each other in the face of loss and tragedy, enjoy social activities and work to repair the world

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Ohav Shalom, Albany
  • Developer User Id:79717912-D223-46A5-8EF6-A2A8010DFB22
  • Channel Id:22923125959bbd524dd1ed0368d35d07
  • Store Id:602785
  • Created Date:2020-08-23 14:13:53
  • Access Code:ohavshalomalb
  • Channel Version Type:RDP



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