Meet Pai, she’s the chef of the Pailin's Thai Recipes culinary channel. Being originally from Thai, Pai knows all about Thai food as she got the cooking knowledge from the professional chef. Her easy-to-follow video guides will deliver the most well-liked meals straight on your plate.
Pin the recipe with all needed ingredients and tricks to make it as it supposed to be in the DIY. Pai will also explain the philosophy of the folk Thai cooking to help you immerse yourself into that outlandish culture.
Open the must-try Thai snacks, and find out where to shop the best ones. Cook sweet, fried, boiled, backed, or fresh dishes according to her tips and instructions. Pai believes and proves that authentic Thai food recipes are quite easy to cook, so anyone will succeed even if this is his or her first endeavor! Open any DIY you like and plan the menu for the whole week, as there are so many yummy options, sweet or spiced sauces, fish dishes and so on. Get your own Thai cuisine skill and enliven your daily ration!