Prank Calls

  • Release date : 19.02.2019
  • Developer by : iranklocally
  • Categories : Comedy
  • Languages : English
  • Countries : United States, Canada, United Kingdom
  • Roku Ranking : 2.6( 90 ranking)

Watch some of the most hilarious prank calls through out history. We do not encourage or recommend you make prank calls and we do not accept submissions of your calls.

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Prank Calls
  • Developer Privacy Url: Privacy Policy
  • Developer User Id:136D5456-DAB1-41C2-8EB5-496366E5C57D
  • Channel Id:9c0448a4898098312c1e5b85be2a499c
  • Store Id:272076
  • Created Date:2019-01-20 05:32:19
  • Access Code:prankcalls
  • Channel Version Type:RDP



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