Developer User Id:b9702f23-813a-41e8-98fd-a6d300598c2f
Channel Id:f90dad037d1475a640c02f496ec6f1c6
Store Id:655426
Created Date:2022-03-16 01:13:44
Access Code:RealmAndValor
Channel Version Type:SDK
Anonymous2023-08-11 18:31:22
I want to know how it is that I have 900 infantry, 300 archers, 150 calvary and 100 catapults yet my chances of winning are impossible against a foe with 120 infantry, 22 archers, 8 Calvary and 0 defense. WTF???
1I want to know how it is that I have 900 infantry, 300 archers, 150 calvary and 100 catapults yet my chances of winning are impossible against a foe with 120 infantry, 22 archers, 8 Calvary and 0 defense. WTF???