Robinson of Clipper Island

  • Release date : 07.12.2018
  • Developer by : NomNom.Media
  • Categories : Movies & TV
  • Languages : English
  • Countries : United States, Canada, United Kingdom
  • Roku Ranking : 0.0( 0 ranking)

Welcome, stranger! You have stepped onto the mysterious land of Clipper Island, populated by the Polynesian tribes. The environment will leave you speechless; spectacular views of the jungle and wild fauna are sure to linger in your memory. Robinson Crusoe of Clipper Island is a 14-episode serial starring Mala. Employed by U.S. Intelligence, the brave Polynesian helps to investigate the acts of sabotage in the form of the volcano eruption. The main character is blamed for that having nothing to do with the situation. In the attempt to prove his innocence, Mala teams up with the local Princess Melani. Together, they are supposed to fight back the high priest Porotu and a gang of spies. Our hero looks death in the face in every single episode but is always lucky to escape it by a fraction of a second.
Enjoy the enthralling black-and-white episodes of Robinson Crusoe of Clipper Island here at no cost at all! Our channel welcomes you anytime, so you can always have access to your favorite serial. Subscribe today and keep an eye out for more adventure shows and movies.

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Robinson of Clipper Island
  • Developer User Id:426317AA-AF06-4AD3-B7FE-ECE33FD572A9
  • Channel Id:f11f642128ebba0a86e5b0c059fdb578
  • Store Id:263890
  • Created Date:2018-11-26 06:37:34
  • Access Code:NVLPKXC
  • Channel Version Type:SDK



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