Developer User Id:235ef744-fe59-4cad-80c4-a7200084f3e7
Channel Id:72119968623595db5f705b365dab40a8
Store Id:657811
Created Date:2022-03-23 06:02:15
Access Code:Iran
Channel Version Type:SDK
Anonymous2023-01-08 00:28:56
funny these stupid RUBICO they dont add the contact number so you could call them and ask how to add or tech support .
Anonymous2023-06-12 05:23:44
Anonymous2024-01-16 14:11:24
I have many questions about their services but there is no way to contact them,very unprofessional
Anonymous2024-05-28 01:20:06
Rubico iranhd is head ach
You pay for watching your serial or whatever is not working
I have hi -speed internet
again most of the time start buffing or does not connect you have to be lucky to watch your serial to the end
I am so disappointed with rubico
Anonymous2024-11-15 23:22:26
they hace website and even WhatsApp and telegram info, and their channels work good for me
5funny these stupid RUBICO they dont add the contact number so you could call them and ask how to add or tech support .
I have many questions about their services but there is no way to contact them,very unprofessional
Rubico iranhd is head ach
You pay for watching your serial or whatever is not working
I have hi -speed internet
again most of the time start buffing or does not connect you have to be lucky to watch your serial to the end
I am so disappointed with rubico
they hace website and even WhatsApp and telegram info, and their channels work good for me