Developer User Id:37E5B633-1346-4DD8-BAF1-34CFADFFEE34
Channel Id:9a832fafd00d018108c88d00a48b5438
Store Id:570134
Created Date:2019-11-17 22:12:34
Access Code:LP2MCVG
Channel Version Type:SDK
Anonymous2022-01-23 15:28:17
I'm learning to read write and speak Russian and a Russian friend of mine advised me to immerse myself in TV...News etc...The first month was great but now Russia 24 news won't load...The other channels are fine though, but Russia 24 was my main go to channel...Iv'e done all the ROKU resets and network resets etc, but nothing works...
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1I'm learning to read write and speak Russian and a Russian friend of mine advised me to immerse myself in TV...News etc...The first month was great but now Russia 24 news won't load...The other channels are fine though, but Russia 24 was my main go to channel...Iv'e done all the ROKU resets and network resets etc, but nothing works...