Sacred Law of the Wild

  • Release date : 03.01.2019
  • Developer by : Streamlab.TV
  • Categories : Movies & TV
  • Languages : English
  • Countries : United States, Canada, United Kingdom
  • Roku Ranking : 0.0( 0 ranking)

Another famous Mascot western serial released in 1934 hit the taste of audience with its touching and unusual storyline. A horse, dog, and man – nice company, isn’t it? Let’s find out how did things go with the characters. There was a man John Sheldon, the good rancher who had a graceful horse, called Rex and Rinty, his loyal dog. This wild stallion was so monumentally gorgeous and strong that people around admired him and even called him the King of the Wild Horses.
One day the man Lou Salters who worked on Sheldon’s decided to steal the stallion wishing to train him for the horse racing because Rex was not only the dazzling one, he was the fastest horse! Obviously, that man wanted to make a lot of money on that stallion, but it happened otherwise. Another man, Frank Nolan interferes in order to steal and own the stallion. He arranges the Salters murder and frames up to blame John Sheldon, so that while he’s imprisoned to capture his horse. Unfortunately, things went wrong – Sheldon got to prison, Rex is a slave too, but Rinty is free! This four-footed smart boy can help his friends and set them free. Follow the screen chapters of this western and catch the outcome.

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Sacred Law of the Wild
  • Developer User Id:C5FC4E0F-0F64-4A08-A277-9ED7453DEDED
  • Channel Id:6b6dea05a1d24143a89b04eb7b698511
  • Store Id:266152
  • Created Date:2018-12-14 08:23:04
  • Access Code:RRZC5P6
  • Channel Version Type:SDK



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