Seafood Eats

  • Release date : 15.04.2019
  • Developer by : Glewed TV
  • Categories : Food
  • Languages : English
  • Countries : United States, Canada, United Kingdom
  • Roku Ranking : 3.3( 4 ranking)

Seafood Eats is a free channel that shows all the different ways to prepare seafood such as
fish, shrimp, lobster, clams, oysters, and other shellfish. Check out the many delicious ways to
prepare these gifts from the sea!

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Seafood Eats
  • Developer Privacy Url: Privacy Policy
  • Developer User Id:D7B90D89-F534-48DA-ADFC-A83A0109C180
  • Channel Id:3b0e4b28bf222843e7475f2f0fcbd0b1
  • Store Id:280563
  • Created Date:2019-03-28 02:30:41
  • Access Code:DTNZX9L
  • Channel Version Type:SDK



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