She Rocks

  • Release date : 14.02.2019
  • Developer by : Timeless Network
  • Categories : Movies & TV
  • Languages : English
  • Countries : United States, Canada, United Kingdom
  • Roku Ranking : 2.3( 12 ranking)

If there's a cinematic genre we've grown to appreciate more than ever over the past few years, it's “chick flicks”. In times of uncertainty, sometimes all you need is your best mates, wine and some snacks, and a girly film.

Women's pictures used to be guilty pleasures but we wish to say no more! It's time for them to get the respect they deserve. From beautiful rom-coms, transportive period dramas, empowering true stories—or even all three at the same time

Chick Flicks today portray more complex and profound themes than many give them credit for. They are at the forefront of representation in film. They explore topics like sexuality, body image, the hardships of growing up, mental health, and more that you won’t find in your run-of-the-mill thriller or action flick. These movies are used as a way of expression for those who didn’t have much of a public voice before.

Chick flicks are the backbone of the film industry and have proved time and time again that they are very much capable of exceptional storytelling- From beautiful rom-coms, transportive period dramas, empowering true stories—or even all three at the same time

So, this weekend (but you can do this any day – prepare for a chick flick marathon. And if you need a little guidance about what to watch first, we have rounded up the best chick flicks to watch.

Had issues watching a movie? Write us at [email protected] and we'll do our best to help. Pinky promise.

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She Rocks
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  • Developer User Id:0e01e31a-d268-40af-b006-a2c000a86cf1
  • Channel Id:c92effd8d2dccd89c3ccd7b6b04e48a6
  • Store Id:269240
  • Created Date:2019-01-05 16:35:50
  • Access Code:NOSTALGIA
  • Channel Version Type:SDK



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