Developer User Id:F83D5C11-FA3B-4665-BC09-A307010A4C0D
Channel Id:31432f18fa107f16ee1c29b374a5171d
Store Id:293862
Created Date:2019-06-08 16:21:30
Access Code:5JZG5RH
Channel Version Type:SDK
Anonymous2023-08-22 19:51:20
Snakes free is one of the best games I’ve ever played. Collecting energy while avoiding the bombs and enemy snakes is thrilling. Seeing my snake get bigger and bigger makes me feel like I am growing as a player. The music sounds incredible as well. I would recommend snakes free to anyone looking to dive into immersive gaming on their Roku.
1Snakes free is one of the best games I’ve ever played. Collecting energy while avoiding the bombs and enemy snakes is thrilling. Seeing my snake get bigger and bigger makes me feel like I am growing as a player. The music sounds incredible as well. I would recommend snakes free to anyone looking to dive into immersive gaming on their Roku.