
  • Release date : 23.07.2020
  • Developer by : HRVST
  • Languages : English
  • Countries : United States, Canada, United Kingdom
  • Roku Ranking : 4.0( 1,550 ranking)

The SwitchWatch team - James, Jordan & Juan love everything to do with the Nintendo Switch and set out to bring you the latest Reviews and cover the top games - whatever your tastes, in their lists series. Each week they scoure the eShop to find the best sales, round up the lovely physical releases and cover the upcoming games - they have you covered!

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  • Developer Privacy Url: Privacy Policy
  • Developer User Id:2CE655F9-005D-4BDC-AAD4-FF053B4C46F2
  • Channel Id:603aa8b98d75fdbe2e45f9b1dbf4d477
  • Store Id:596167
  • Created Date:2020-07-21 09:01:09
  • Access Code:SWITCHWATCH
  • Channel Version Type:SDK
