The SMWK Network

  • Release date : 21.10.2020
  • Developer by : simplyME Distribution
  • Categories : Lifestyle
  • Languages : English
  • Countries : United States, Canada, United Kingdom
  • Roku Ranking : 5.0( 2 ranking)

Charlotte Street Lively Living, is a company that helps you live life lively. As you know, Charlotte Street, a singlemom started her company with her son who had cancer. Charlotte realized the challenge to balance her life and how to do it with joy. Once, she developed a workable system and obtained the support from her children, everything fell into place and Charlotte Street Lively Living was born. Charlotte Street believes that every single parent and their children should be celebrated. So, as a Transformation Specialist, she helps teach families how to find balance through a healthy diet, nutrition, fitness and exercise. More than ever, it is vital for families to embrace a healthy lifestyle. Starting with my personal care products, like my immune booster SHIELD that will fight viruses and my Vegan and Vegetarian Cosmetics. Wearing our masks for protection from the elements is one thing. However, we will need to protect our skin from the daily wear and tear. My Vegan mineral powders and Lip wear will protect your skin and lips from the dryness and acne. Wanting to enjoy a night out? I got your back, with my 15 minute quick meals. I will teach you how to treat you and your family to a fabulous meal in no time at all. Along with showing you how to prepare a beautifully decorated table, that will spruce up any occasion. Get excited and enjoy your family time! Life is so precious, so take every moment to live your best life lively.


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The SMWK Network
  • Developer User Id:BD7A2A1D-E3AC-4BB6-B42D-A42A00A3E58B
  • Channel Id:7c42a1353ecb40320e5bad3cb0d752db
  • Store Id:606999
  • Created Date:2020-10-02 23:00:55
  • Access Code:PR62JLZ
  • Channel Version Type:RDP



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