The Whole 30 Plan

  • Release date : 27.01.2020
  • Developer by : Dash Media TV
  • Categories : Food
  • Languages : English
  • Countries : United States, Canada, United Kingdom
  • Roku Ranking : 0.0( 0 ranking)

The Whole 30 Plan is a 30-day (duh) clean-eating plan designed to clean up your eating habits by cutting out certain foods. And yes, we're talking about some foods that are super hard to give up: dairy, sugar, grains, legumes, and alcohol.

Your only job during the Whole30 is to focus on making good food choices. You don’t need to weigh or measure, count calories, restrict calories, or purchase everything organic or grass-fed. Your only job is to stick to the Whole30 rules for 30 straight days… no cheats, no slips, no “special occasions.”

This isn’t a hazing or a boot camp; the requirement for 100% compliance is grounded in science. We call the Whole30 a “reset,” but at its heart, the Whole30 is an elimination diet. Elimination protocols have been around since the 1920’s, and many doctors say they are still the gold standard in identifying food sensitivities—but only if you do them by the books. In order to accurately test how your body responds in the absence of these potentially problematic foods, you have to completely eliminate them. One bite of pizza, one spoonful of ice cream, one sip of beer within the 30-day period and you’ve broken the “reset”—and have to start over again on Day 1.

You must commit to the full program, exactly as written, 100% for the full 30 days. Anything less and you won’t experience the full benefits the program has to offer. Anything less and you are selling yourself—and your life-changing results—short.

It’s only 30 days.

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The Whole 30 Plan
  • Developer User Id:CAB52C30-11DB-4557-A298-9F5CCBEDEB97
  • Channel Id:7180d6784b3a95debbcf85a1a8bea883
  • Store Id:577195
  • Created Date:2020-01-23 19:29:41
  • Access Code:TheWhole30Plan
  • Channel Version Type:RDP



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