
  • Release date : 27.08.2020
  • Developer by : PlexPeer
  • Categories : Sci & Tech , Kids & Family
  • Languages : English
  • Countries : United States, Canada, United Kingdom
  • Roku Ranking : 2.0( 2 ranking)

"Weekends and evenings are the best time for self-education. Education is best being interactive and playful, of course.
If you’re hungry for entertaining ways to learn about the planet and the life, about flora and fauna, physics and chemistry – the best solution to learn in-depth science-based explanations of the world processes – is to join Worldpedia!
It is generally accepted that science is something boring, complex, and not accessible to everyone.
Worldpedia showcases:
• Materials where complex concepts from the world of science and art, news from around the world are explained simply for the laymen.
• No pseudoscience, meaningless hype, and cheating.
• In-depth answers to the most pressing questions, interactive lectures, conversations with experts.
• Absorbing real experiments, reconstructed events, and comprehensive illustrations.
• History of things from ancientness to nowadays.
• A virtual space allowing people to gain knowledge friendly to real-world conditions.
Whether you want to be the one who tells your friends all from how the cookie crumbles to cosmic daily events, or become the party maker who tells the most captivating and impressive stories and bizarre phenomena. Join Worldpedia to uncover the mysteries around. The world is unexpectedly surprising and attractive. The world is waiting for your heart to open!"

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  • Developer Privacy Url: Privacy Policy
  • Developer User Id:9f3e50fc-b5e9-11ea-828f-0242ac110004
  • Channel Id:ad8ab4485e53ab04aef026ad7448b440
  • Store Id:602229
  • Created Date:2020-08-20 05:53:52
  • Access Code:P9KTTCZ
  • Channel Version Type:SDK



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