
  • Release date : 25.06.2020
  • Developer by : PlexPeer
  • Categories : Food & Home
  • Languages : English
  • Countries : United States, Canada, United Kingdom
  • Roku Ranking : 4.8( 175 ranking)

"We know why you're here. You’re hungry and need cooking ideas.
This channel is meant to satisfy your stomach, please eyes, and calm down the brain. Here you’ll find a professional culinary aid that eases cooking when you’re not much for it or assist in creating a high cuisine dinner when you’re in the mood.

Just trust our masters and explore the video menu:

- New cooking techniques.
- Chef approved recipes.
- Step-by-step explanations and tricks.
- Well-designed weekly menu.
- Roasted and baked feel-good food.
- Pastry section with bakery and desserts.

Parmezzano has a multi device access and high-quality video player so that you could cook synchronically with best culinary artists. Plus, you’ll find that regular cooking with us can upgrade your skills as well!

So, what do you feel up to right now? Chicken chops or beef steak with berry sauce? Hearty Dublin coddle or authentic mexican chicken & bean enchiladas? Spicy or tender? Light vegetable meal or a solid dish to eat around well? Any options are welcome, so eat well with us. See you in the kitchen!

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  • Developer Privacy Url: Privacy Policy
  • Developer User Id:9f3e50fc-b5e9-11ea-828f-0242ac110004
  • Channel Id:6651c52f3a03c1c2c5adaf89ad42ef1f
  • Store Id:592982
  • Created Date:2020-06-24 10:35:31
  • Access Code:Q5GLRJC
  • Channel Version Type:SDK



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