
  • Release date : 24.08.2020
  • Developer by : Advertery
  • Categories : Fitness , Kids & Family
  • Languages : English
  • Countries : United States, Canada, United Kingdom
  • Roku Ranking : 3.6( 9 ranking)

What is yoga? Specific kind of sport, acrobatics, or slow boring workouts for the turtle-like type of people? Firstly, It’s a sort of dialog with your body. Through performing yoga exercises, you can discover all capabilities of your body and diagnose its present state.
Do you want to learn how to carry on a meaningful one? Learn how to track and manage different processes in your body? Then bring some yoga into your life, as life can be more conscious and sensually rich.
In Yogatopia videography, lots of video guides will help you polish your poses. Yoga embraces a wide diapason of healthy physical conditions like relaxation, resilience, plasticity, energy loading, the overall strength of the corpse.
Take part in Yoga challenge and join the everyday classes. Together with our guru, every move and asana meaning will be coherent.
There is a bitter fact though: people don’t know how to live in their bodies. Moreover, they don’t esteem what nature gave them. However, the diaspora of yoga doers grows bigger and bigger. People awake, start breathing the right way, and set tight connection with their bodies. Direct attention to your inward, listen to what’s inside. Namaste!

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  • Developer User Id:4b3f758b-dd7a-11ea-9eab-0242ac110004
  • Channel Id:3a8f817f092e9f33559fa000e54fcefd
  • Store Id:602295
  • Created Date:2020-08-20 09:15:02
  • Access Code:CMCCMVL
  • Channel Version Type:SDK



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