Al Mouridiyyah Television

  • Release date : 27.08.2012
  • Developer by : Al Mouridiyyah TV
  • Categories : Kids & Family , Religious
  • Languages : English, French, German
  • Countries : United States, Canada, United Kingdom, France
  • Roku Ranking : 3.4( 72 ranking)

Al Mouridiyyah Tv exploring the Universe of Touba. Al Mouridiyya tv, the Revolution in the media in Senegal. Sign up at

Al Mouridiyyah Tv exploring the Universe of Touba. Al Mouridiyya tv, the Revolution in the media in Senegal. Pioneer of IP TV in Africa and presents a bouquet of channels with hundreds of programs. AL Mouridiyyah TV is available in French, English and Arabic. Al Mouridiyyah Tv offered exclusively by Hizbut-Tarqiyyah - an entity under the authority of the Suprême leader of the Mourides.

The mission of Al Mouridiyyah TV is the following:

1. The popularization of the basic cultural values of Mouridism as taught by its founder Sheikh Ahmadou Bamba.

2. Transmit quality information about Mouridism and its founder Sheikh Ahmadou Bamba.

3. Promote Education and Combat Ignorance

Al Mouridiyyah TV: anywhere, anytime, any device, available all over the world through our Roku app.

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Al Mouridiyyah Television
  • Developer Privacy Url: Privacy Policy
  • Developer User Id:56E7362C-BCC7-42F1-B90C-A08B0039534E
  • Channel Id:a2a78932a03d775f53abe698718ab125
  • Store Id:17270
  • Created Date:2012-07-25 14:32:54
  • Access Code:almouridiyyah
  • Channel Version Type:SDK



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