Jellyfish TV

  • Release date : 08.08.2019
  • Developer by : 2
  • Categories : Kids & Family
  • Languages : English, German
  • Countries : United States, Canada, United Kingdom
  • Roku Ranking : 0.0( 0 ranking)

Jellyfish and sea jellies are the informal common names given to the medusa-phase of certain gelatinous members of the subphylum Medusozoa, a major part of the phylum Cnidaria. Jellyfish are mainly free-swimming marine animals with umbrella-shaped bells and trailing tentacles, although a few are not mobile, being anchored to the seabed by stalks. The bell can pulsate to provide propulsion and highly efficient locomotion. The tentacles are armed with stinging cells and may be used to capture prey and defend against predators. Jellyfish have a complex life cycle; the medusa is normally the sexual phase, the planula larva can disperse widely and is followed by a sedentary polyp phase.

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Jellyfish TV
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  • Developer User Id:1d938378-a877-4a8d-b4fb-28e9617a896a
  • Channel Id:79383b5e583fa9ddfe89098188938373
  • Store Id:554344
  • Created Date:2019-08-08 07:56:43
  • Access Code:JellyfishTV
  • Channel Version Type:SDK



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