The Enigmatic Moon

  • Release date : 12.08.2019
  • Developer by : Wize Digital LLC
  • Categories : Educational
  • Languages : English
  • Countries : United States, Canada, United Kingdom
  • Roku Ranking : 5.0( 1 ranking)

"Are you interested in astrology but lack time to get a serious education? Our channel will help you immerse yourself in the secrets of outer space and spend leisure time with benefit. Let's start space exploration from the Moon!

The unstable and changing Orb of Night has long been attracting the attention of people who are curious about the unknown, mystical, unresolved. Songs, poems, legends were composed about the night luminary slowly floating in the dark sky. Meanwhile, many mysterious phenomena were associated with it, both in human life and in nature in general. Despite numerous studies, some of the mysteries of the moon remain unsolved. Why do moon shadows look deeper and more saturated? From where did the obelisks appear on the satellite’s surface, obviously being of man-made origin?

Centuries passed, and the Moon could not save many of its secrets before the curiosity, watchfulness and intelligence of the scientists who studied it.

But the most impressive mystery remaining so far is the origin of the astronomical object. Several theories exist concerning this subject matter, each of which may turn out to be true. Browsing the Enigmatic Moon channel you’ll find a myriad of breathtaking facts and theories including various educational videos and NASA broadcasts. Have we already risen your curiosity? Join the Enigmatic Moon channel to quench the thirst of knowledge. Happy virtual Moon landing!"

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The Enigmatic Moon
  • Developer Privacy Url: Privacy Policy
  • Developer User Id:3b87955e-c692-41ee-aa74-57e789871337
  • Channel Id:65a0e47629cc7e3281b044660144eaef
  • Store Id:555306
  • Created Date:2019-08-12 09:34:07
  • Access Code:6Z2L5RX
  • Channel Version Type:SDK



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